Press Release

NetPower announces the release of high power quarter and eighth bricks DC-DC converters - QBE4 and EBE4.

NetPower announces the addition of low power series DC-DC and AC-DC power converters.

NetPower releases SYRS5 series of 1/16 brick DC-DC converters.

NetPower just released the 9-36V wide input half bricks DC-DC converters of HYPS1 series at 5V and 12V outputs with an output up to 250W. The new offering provide further supplement to the Hi-Rel product portfolios.

NetPower presented the industry leading standard, modified standard and custom DC to DC and AC to DC converters at the electronica show in Munich this November. Among all these products, the encapsulated power modules designed for industrial and rugged application have attracted wide attention from the visitors.

NetPower will attend electronica 2016 from Nov. 8 to 11 in Munich, Germany. Welcome you to visit us at Hall A2 Booth 368.

NetPower announces the release of its 18-36V input 12V/25A and 12V/30A output quarter brick DC-DC converters QBC2120x025 and QBC2120x030.

NetPower announces a new product series-HPS3-W series to expand its high power DC-DC converter offering.

NetPower announces the release of the 24V input 1/32 brick DC-DC converters MRS2060x005 (output 6V/5A).

NetPower announces the release of its 36-75V standard input 12V/30A output eighth brick EBE4120x040xxxW and 12V/42A output quarter brick QBE4120x042xxxW DC-DC converters.